Events, Presentations and Media:
Top 10 Battle of Bunker Hill Quotes, Dispatches Podcast, Journal of the American Revolution, January 29, 2024
"Women In War" Saratoga250 America's Turning Point, Schuylerville, New York, May 5-6, 2023
History Camp America, November 5, 2022
Fort Ticonderoga's 18th Annual Seminar on the American Revolution, September 23-25, 2022
"The Siege of Boston" with Revolution250 on YouTube
American Revolution Institute, Society of the Cincinnati, Displaced: The Siege of Boston and the Donation People of 1775, online presentation, March 2022
"Boston's Revolutionary Martyrs" Revolution Speaker Series, Dr. Joseph Warren Foundation, 252nd Anniversary of the Boston Massacre, March 2022
"The Route is By Way of Winnesimmet: Chelsea & The Refugees", Sons of the American Revolution, Boston Chapter, November 17, 2021
"The Prison Ships of New York" interview with Bob Cudmore, The Historians Podcast, September 17, 2021
American Revolution Mohawk Valley conference, Fort Plain Museum, Johnstown, NY, August 6 - 8, 2021
"Freeze Frame! A snapshot of July 3, 1775 - General Washington's arrival at Cambridge" interview with Jimmy Mac on "Revolution Road", the Dave Nemo Show, Road Dog Radio, SiriusXM radio, July 3, 1775
“Escape from the Jails and Prison Ships of New York” interview with Jimmy Mac on "Revolution Road", the Dave Nemo Show, Road Dog Radio, SiriusXM radio, March 5, 2021
“Female Voices of the Boston Massacre”, online talk Daughters of the American Revolution, Anniversary Boston Massacre, October 2020 & March 2022
"The Speckled Monster: The Boston Smallpox Epidemic of 1764"
Interview with Martha's Vineyard Times, Remembering Joseph Dias, Sr., May 20, 2020
"Walking Skeletons: Imprisonment on the Jersey" interview with Jimmy Mac on the Dave Nemo Show, Road Dog Radio, April 3, 2020
Dispatches Podcast: Disease Control - 18th Century Style! March 14, 2020
Dispatches Podcast: The Jersey Prison Ship of New York City, March 10, 2019
"Women Aiding Prisoners of War" Sons of the American Revolution 10th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Penn., June 2019
“Death Had Almost Lost Its Sting: Captain Thomas Dring & The Jersey Prison Ship”, Guest Speaker, Sons of the Revolution Annual Luncheon, Jamestown, Rhode Island, May 2019
Presenter, Stoneham Historical Society, Stoneham, Mass.